Passing the Light at IFTJ Image: Ignatian Solidarity Network
Social media is our normal hangout. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, these are the places you can find The Jesuit Post preaching, teaching and generally causing havoc. We’re there because it’s a place where we can share the gospel and we’re here in Washington, DC for the same reason. You are holding in your hands the first-ever printed edition of TJP. It’s not just the first-ever print edition. We’re excited to include five guest writers, another first for TJP.
This weekend is not an isolated event. If it is we’ve all failed. The Ignatian Family Teach-In is a starting point, an energizing moment that spurs us all to greater interaction. It’s the opposite of Fight Club: what happens at IFTJ doesn’t stay at IFTJ, it breaks out and spreads. But it won’t do that on its own. You are the reason it can and will spread. We’ve put this print edition into your hands to let you know that there is a growing network of readers and writers who want to talk about the intersection of faith, concern for justice, and daily life. We need you to share what you’ve seen and heard. My friends and family already know about TJP. They already read and share content that makes them think about life just a little bit more deeply. They share and discuss about a faith that does justice. But we need to reach your friends and family. They probably don’t know who I am and probably don’t care what I think … I don’t blame them. But they do care what you think, they do want to hear about you. If you find something on TJP or hear something this weekend that resonates with you, share it.
Legend has it that when St. Ignatius Loyola missioned his best friend and fellow Jesuit St. Francis Xavier to India, he knew that he was not likely to see him again. As Ignatius sent Xaiver off to this new mission, he told him, “Ite Inflammate Omnia”: Go and set the world on fire. You have a similar mission. Light up Twitter (#IFTJ14). Fill up the Facebook Feeds. Share your faith and your zeal for justice with your friends and family. We need you to set the world on fire. If you need to, feel free to use this newspaper as kindling. Don’t worry; the PDF is already online!
Editor’s note: This is the introductory article of TJP’s first-ever print edition, produced for and in partnership with the Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice, being held this weekend in Washington, DC. We also have contributors participating in and reporting from the Teach-In — follow them on Twitter at @TJPOnTour.
Correction: Due to an editing error, the initial version of the PDF linked here contained an error in describing the anniversary of the martyrdom; that has been corrected.