Suor Cristina Scuccia, screen shot from the video
You remember Sister Act. You loved Sister Act. When the meek and mild nuns working in a poor parish let loose under the guidance of Whoopi Goldberg, a would be nun on the run, you rejoiced. When the squeaky Sister Mary Patrick (Kathy Najimy) let her squeal become an aria you smiled wide. When Sister Mary Robert (Wendy Makkena) went from mousy to marvelous your heart melted. You loved it. You loved them. And that was just a movie. A pretty great movie, but just a movie, right?
I have a something to tell you: The joy you recognized on the silver screen is even more wonderful in reality. The happiness we feel at the sight of the meek rejoicing, the suffering soothed, the silenced signing, this is real joy, this is truly awesome. This is worth watching. Evangelization is simply sharing the good news, and boy do I have good news for you.
Recently, a real Sister Act has gone viral. Sister Cristina wowed the judges and the crowd on the Italian version of the popular talent show The Voice. If you haven’t seen it already you should see it now. If you already have, go ahead and watch it again. Never tire of rejoicing. (Be sure to click “cc” for English captions.)
This Sister does in one minute and thirty seconds what we’ve been trying to do over at The Jesuit Post for two years. She finds and shares a life full of grace in a pop-place too many fear is God-forsaken. Passion, joy, and God in all of the above.
Love it.