Debates Shaping the Global Church Gathering
Posts in Global Catholicism
Una historia breve de la canonización de Romero
Lo sucio de la santidad
A Brief History of Romero’s Canonization
The Dirty Business of Romero’s Sanctity
Five Takeaways from the “Red Hat Report”
The United States is again a flashpoint for Church conflict.
My Broken Christ
It’s not time yet to stop feeling betrayed and sorrowful.
UPDATE: The Murder of Father Carlos
Jesuits Respond to Danger
The Murder of Father Carlos
The Life and Death of Fr. Carlos Riudavets, SJ
Sleeping at the Gate, Dying in the Desert
What does current immigration policy tell us about the God we believe in?
The Vatican II Option: An Interview with Massimo Faggioli
“I see my job as not giving easy answers but to ask questions that raise the complexity of issues.” Massimo Faggioli speaks with TJP about the task of the theologian today.
A Beautiful Bond: Argentinian Nun Ministers to Transgender Women
Nun says God is “very present” in ministry to transgender women.