How do we stop holding life – and God – at a distance? Paddy Gilger, SJ points to a hauntingly beautiful essay that shows the way.

All posts by Paddy Gilger, SJ
Fr. Paddy Gilger, SJ is an amateur sociologist-and-philosopher but a professional Milwaukee Brewers fan. He lived and worked at Red Cloud Indian School on the Pine Ridge reservation and later at St. John's Parish at Creighton University. He was ordained a priest in 2013. Paddy is the founding Editor-in-Chief of The Jesuit Post.
Joined in 2012 @paddygilgersj
29 postsWorth Reading: What “the Other” Can Say
What can love of “the other” look like? Paddy Gilger, SJ looks at a powerful speech by a practitioner of Christian-Muslim dialogue.
My Friend Bill Simmons
Losing a friend is never easy – even if you’ve never even met the guy. Paddy Gilger reflects on how ESPN’s decision not to renew the contract of Bill Simmon has affected him.
Forty Days Later: Homs and Fr. Frans
Paddy Gilger, SJ reflects on how images and icons impact us…
Feliz cumpleaños | Gracias | Adiós
Hace dos años escribimos: “Esperamos que [este sitio] te ayude a pensar en Dios y en la Iglesia de un modo un poco diferente, un poco mas profundamente, y un poco mas frecuentemente. Dos años después, esta sigue siendo nuestra esperanza.
Happy Birthday | Thank You | Goodbye
Two years ago, we wrote: “We hope [this site] will help you think about God and the Church a little differently, a little more deeply, a little more often.” Two years in, that’s still what we hope.
The Other Side of Cynicism: Redeeming the Flash Mob
If you hear this in a crowded city square, harden not your heart.
Worth Reading: “The Sinner Pope”
There’s nothing wrong with asking what he’s going to do. Editor-in-chief Paddy Gilger just thinks you should first ask who Pope Francis really is.
Worth Reading: Socrates’s Best Burns
In his role as president of the Defend Socrates At All Costs fanclub Paddy Gilger has unearthed some unacceptable, albeit humorous, Socrates slander over at BuzzFeed.