So hot. So muggy. But Nate Romano has so many ways to keep the dog days cool and fresh.

All posts by Nathaniel Romano, SJ
Nathaniel Romano SJ is studied theology at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley, CA. He has a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School and is a member of the state bars of Nebraska and Wisconsin. Nothing in this article is intended as legal advice or to solicit or otherwise establish an attorney-client relationship. Nate was ordained a priest in 2018.
Joined in 2012 nromanosj
0 postsWhat We Choose To Care About, or the Other Supreme Court Cases
TJP’s resident legal expert Nate Romano wonders about the impact of the less famous SCOTUS cases on our daily lives.
On Trial, or The Law Will Let Us Down
Responding to the verdict in the Trayvon Martin murder trial & the tensions we feel when the law lets us down.
Worth Reading: Understanding SCOTUS on Gay Marriage
Still trying to get a grip on the DOMA decisions? TJP’s resident lawyer Nate Romano walks us through what happened, what is happening and what it all means.
Metropolitan Diary
Nate Romano is leaving New York, and he’s been thinking that all the things that make Gotham beautiful and the same things that make life beautiful.
A Justice That Restores
Does our justice system have to be adversarial and esoteric? Does it have to relegate reconciliation to an afterthought? Nate Romano explores.
Wanted: One Time Offenders
Our resident lawyer, Nate Romano, highlights a promising program for helping incarcerated young people.
You Are Now Approaching the Border
After a long delay, comprehensive immigration reform may be coming to Washington. Nate Romano helps explain what may change.
Guns, Violence, and Human Life
Nate Romano has a look behind a recent Catholic push to curb gun violence.