If you can’t stand courtroom reality television–or even if you love it–Nate Romano has a program you’re sure to like.

All posts by Nathaniel Romano, SJ
Nathaniel Romano SJ is studied theology at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley, CA. He has a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School and is a member of the state bars of Nebraska and Wisconsin. Nothing in this article is intended as legal advice or to solicit or otherwise establish an attorney-client relationship. Nate was ordained a priest in 2018.
Joined in 2012 nromanosj@thejesuitpost.org nromanosj
0 postsThe Dangers of a Politicized Judiciary
TJP legal affairs contributor Nate Romano takes a look at a Supreme Court issue and challenges us to better.
The Gospel of Intimacy: Pictures Worth a Thousand Words
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Worth Reading: Good Lawyers, Bad Situations
Nate Romano calls our attention to a lawyer who’s “unsticking the victim” in cases of domestic violence.
Worth Reading: An Interview with Antonin Scalia
From the Supreme Pontiff to the Supreme Court, eye-opening interviews are all the rage.
When Good Laws Go Bad
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TJP Salutes Constitution Day!
“A constitution should be short and obscure.” – Napoleon. “A TJP post should be brief and enlightening.” – Our own Nate Romano.
The Transcendent Art of Video Games
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A New Approach To Crime and Punishment
Popsicles, back-to-school sales, sentencing reform. That’s just the kind of late-summer conversation our Nate Romano loves.