Jesus commanded us to love one another, but do we really know how to do that?

All posts by Matt Stewart, SJ
Matt, a native St. Louisan, has degrees in theology, philosophy and music, and is currently studying theology (again) at Boston College where he also directs the Schola Cantorum. Before coming to Boston, he taught theology and worked in University Ministry at Regis University in Denver. He enjoys playing music, cooking elaborate meals, and watching the St. Louis Blues.
Joined in 2012
15 postsThe Incredulous Thomas: Seeing through Witness | One-Minute Homily
Seeing is believing, right? Or is it?
Jesus: Step into the Light | One-Minute Homily
Jesus calls us to step into the light.
Jesus and the Leper: Wanting to Heal | One-Minute Homily
Sure, Jesus can heal. But more importantly, Jesus wants to heal.
Baptism of the Lord: Baptized and Beloved | One-Minute Homily
Ever wonder what God thinks about you? Today we all get an answer.
A Baby’s Cry: The Sound of Christmas | One-Minute Homily
Of all days, Christmas is a day when we should all hope to hear the lovely cacophony of babies crying at Mass.
Gaudete Sunday: Joy to the World! | One-Minute Homily
“Joy to the world, the Lord has come!” What? Too soon?
Wash Your Hands. And Fold Them in Prayer. A Catholic Response to the Coronavirus
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has moved from the far reaches of Wuhan, China to stretch around the world. The WHO officially declared it a global pandemic. Many are vulnerable in different ways: those who are sick, those at risk of being sick, and those afraid of being sick. How are we to respond? Our faith and religious formation can help us. Here’s how.
Those Cheating Astros: Stealing Way More Than Signs
The 2017 World Series winning Houston Astros are in the spotlight for cheating. They stole signs, and they robbed fans and baseball aficionados of the purity of the game.