Our liberation is linked with others. Marcos Gonzales, SJ writes that we are to bear the pain of a broken world in his commencement address.

All posts by Marcos Gonzales, SJ
Marcos hails from the Valle de San Fernando and spent most of his life in the beautiful City of Angels. He attended Loyola Marymount
University where he would first meet the Jesuits. After college he
went to live on a tiny island in Micronesia, where he taught high
school as a Jesuit Volunteer. He returned to Los Angeles to
continue the work of seeking justice through education as a high
school counselor and earned a master’s in secondary education. He’s
passionate about community, music, and, after finishing his first
marathon, is discovering a love for running. Marcos recently completed his master's in social work with an emphasis on migration studies at Loyola University Chicago.
Joined in 2013 mgonzalessj@thejesuitpost.org @marcosjesuit
0 postsIt’s Happening Here. It’s Happening Right Now.
Nearly two months ago, 43 Mexican students went missing. Marcos Gonzales, SJ looks at why it matters to us in the U.S.
A Dream Deferred (No Longer?)
Marcos Gonzales wonders what it may mean when a dream deferred is finally a real possibility.
Cesar Chavez: Catalyst for Change, Then and Now
Celebrating Cesar Chavez Day, Marcos Gonzales looks at the new film about Chavez’s life, and wonders how Chavez is still a force for change today.
The Wolf Within
With the Oscars just a few days away, Marcos Gonzales takes a closer look at the “Wolf of Wall Street”…and the wolf within himself.
No Wrong Way to Pray
When we no longer have the words to pray, God meets us where we are.
Día de los Muertos , Identidad y Nuestra Fe
Marcos analiza la forma en que celebramos el Día de los Muertos y nos pregunta: ¿Por qué estamos creciendo fuera de nuestras tradiciones de cultura y fe?
Día de los Muertos: Identity and Faith
Marcos looks at how we celebrate Dia de los Muertos and asks why are we growing away from our traditions of culture and faith?