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All posts by Ken Homan, SJ
Ken Homan is a Jesuit brother from the Midwest Province. He is currently working on a doctorate in history at Georgetown University where he is a graduate assistant for the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor.
Joined in 2013
63 postsYou Can’t Say That at Dinner!
How to be polite and political this Thanksgiving.
How do we best respond to stories of harassment?
I Shouldn’t Have to Feel Guilty
Why do we avoid talking about guilt in conversations about justice?
The Good Old Days
What’s so great about throwbacks and 90s dance parties?
Parks in Peril, Part III
In this final installment, Ranger-Brother Ken explores what we can do to protect our public lands
What do the responses to the Charlottesville terrorist attack tell us about ourselves?
Parks in Peril, Part II
What most threatens America’s public spaces?
Languishing Lands and Parks in Peril
In this 3-part series, former ranger Ken Homan explores what’s so great about and what’s threatening our public lands