How to be happy, healthy, and perhaps a bit holy after college.
All posts by Ken Homan, SJ
Ken Homan is a Jesuit brother from the Midwest Province. He is currently working on a doctorate in history at Georgetown University where he is a graduate assistant for the Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor.
Joined in 2013
63 postsA Woman’s Place is in Her Union
This Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, let’s celebrate the role of women in labor organizing
El Lugar de una Mujer es en su Sindicato
Esta Fiesta de San José Obrero, celebremos el rol de la mujer en el movimiento sindical.
Time for a New New Deal
America needs to rediscover its history, identity, and communitarian values
Does TJP Hear the Voices and Experiences of Women?
Just having celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation, we’re committing to listening to women.
Budgeting Love
Does the proposed Trump budget reflect American values?
One-Minute Homily: “We Need to Talk”
Do you get nervous if someone says to you... "we need to talk"? Check out this week's One-Minute Reflection with Br. Ken Homan, SJ. Based on the readings for Sunday, January 21, which you can read here:
Patience Must You Have
Can Yoda and Archbishop Carlson teach us anything about second semester?
Facing the Brokenness of the Manger
What does it mean to reconcile to the poor this Christmas?