
All posts by Joe Simmons, SJ

Joe Simmons, SJ studied theology at Boston College, and was ordained a priest at his alma mater, Marquette University, in 2017. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in theology and literature at Campion Hall, University of Oxford. Joe enjoys language(s), running, and wrestling with the big questions.

Joined in 2012   /   0 posts   /   jsimmonssj@thejesuitpost.org

Me, Myself, and iPhone

Me, Myself, and iPhone

It’s when I’m alone that I’m most on the prowl for distraction. Knock at the door? A God-sent interruption from my own company. A viral video? Better than birthday cake…

Life, Death and Facebook

Life, Death and Facebook

There’s an old Jesuit dictum that warns about “comparing and despairing.” With Facebook, the temptation is always there to compare the fun out there with how we’re feeling in here…

Mass Distractions

Mass Distractions

I aspire to be a morning person, but liking the idea is usually as far as I go. Still, I take comfort in the simple, daily ritual of Mass…