Saint Josephine Bakhita suffered horrific abuse as a victim of human trafficking, yet she treasured her life and is remembered for her love.

All posts by Juan Ruiz, SJ
Juan grew up in Memphis, TN where he learned to sprinkle his English with y’alls and his Spanish with manners. As the proud child of two Hispanic parents, Juan was shepherded through Catholic education and eventually graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration from Saint Louis University. After working for one year as an IT Consultant in Saint Louis, MO for a wonderful company, he entered the Society of Jesus. He is now working as a Spanish teacher at Cristo Rey Jesuit College Prep in Houston, TX.
Joined in 2014 @juanparuizsj
0 postsSt. Elizabeth Seton: First American-born Saint | One-Minute Saints
In the face of personal tragedy and driven by the needs in a new nation, Elizabeth Ann Seton’s selfless response led to her becoming the first American-born saint in the Catholic Church.
One-Minute Homily: “Admit and Amend”
We can all be like the dishonest steward from time to time. Juan Ruiz, SJ, reminds us that we are always called to admit and amend our mistakes in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, September 22, 2019. Jesus always admires us when we have...
When “I’m sorry” is not Enough
What makes an apology acceptable?
One-Minute Homily: “Reckless Enthusiasm”
After the Resurrection, the disciples are recklessly enthusiastic out of love of Christ. Juan Ruiz, SJ, challenges us to live by their example in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for May 5, 2019, which you can find here:
Top 10 Finals Moments
7 Moments we hope not to see and 3 we absolutely want during finals week…
One-Minute Homily: “Today’s Orphans and Widows”
In today's Gospel Jesus says, "...the things that come out from within are what defile." In this week's One-Minute Homily, Juan Ruiz, SJ, reflects on the scandal that has defiled the Church from within and the call to protect the "orphans and widows" of our day. Based...
One-Minute Homily: “It’s Not About Us”
What is Lent really about? Juan Ruiz, SJ, gives some great advice about Lenten promises during this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, March 18, 2018, which you can read here
A Firsthand Account of Hurricane Harvey
Juan Ruiz, SJ lives and works in Houston and was in the city throughout Hurricane Harvey.