A new fan of YouTube, Garrett Gundlach, SJ finds healing during hard days with…Brad Leone?

All posts by Garrett Gundlach, SJ
Garrett Gundlach is a proud midwesterner whose spiritual roots include Stars Wars, the Great Lakes and the Boy Scouts. He is currently taller and has a better beard than his three little brothers, but he doesn't consider himself competitive. His father is a Catholic version of Calvin & Hobbes' Dad, and his mother is an artist and anchor. Garrett was happy to escape the ruckus of Chicago with an MSW and is now an educator and minister at a high school among the Lakota people in South Dakota. Garrett thrives in situations where he can trip over himself in new ways, including intercultural work, travel, Jesuit community, prayer, camping, and writing.
Joined in 2013 ggundlachsj@thejesuitpost.org
46 postsSpring and Thank You
It’s been a long and heavy winter, but Garrett Gundlach, SJ feels the start of a powerful spring.
A Boy and a Sea Lion
My friends and I found the sea lion exhibit down some stairs past a few enormous trees and between giant fake rock formations. It was a thick glass cross-section of a seashore, complete with jagged outcroppings and deep diving waters. The air smelled like salt, and I...
Powering Down
The electricity still wasn’t back on when I woke up— I tried both lamps before I lit a candle. I heard someone down the hall flick a switch one too many times. Nope. Even with five video conferences scheduled for the day, the internet down and no promise of...
How This is Home
After two and a half years on the Pine Ridge Reservation, Garrett Gundlach, SJ tries his best to show his visiting parents why it has become his home.
Ruining the Perfect Day
Garrett Gundlach SJ almost loses the perfect day but some combination of distraction, grace, and saltine crackers saves it.
Outsider Inside the Bus
A non-Lakȟóta man on Lakȟóta land, Garrett Gundlach SJ wrestles with his place and purpose through stories on the bus.
All I Remember Was the Food
Garrett Gundlach, SJ recalls a recent visit to his brother and sister-in-law, meal by meal by meal.
Giving in to Birthdays
Against the backdrop of birthday scroogery, Garrett Gundlach SJ makes his case for taking the bus.