
All posts by Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ

Daniel, a native of Goa India, is studying Theology at Boston College in preparation for ordination to the priesthood. A former techie in Silicon Valley, where he did not work for tech support, Daniel enjoys photography, hiking, vegan baking, and going to bed at 9:30pm everyday.

Joined in 2018   /   31 posts   /

Learning Compassion from Children

Learning Compassion from Children

Why do we expect a young girl to cry over a pet goat she must give up for slaughter but not over the animals we eat on a daily basis? Compassion for all God’s creation should motivate us to consider more deeply the ways we relate to all animals, not only some of them.

The $300 Bowl of Salad

The $300 Bowl of Salad

This essay is not about inflation, or about eating at a Michelin star restaurant. This essay is not about exotic superfoods from the Himalayas or about Jesuit extravagance. This essay is about gardening. Put on your work boots, and prepare for some garden variety theology.