We keep hearing about synodality in the Catholic Church, but what does it mean? What does it look like? Daniel Leckman, SJ, draws a connection with his vocation as a Jesuit Brother.

All posts by Daniel Leckman, SJ
Born in Laval, Quebec, Daniel found God during his years studying at History and Russian Studies at McGill University in Montreal. While doing a second degree in Community Economic Development at Concordia University (Montreal) in 2006, he discovered his vocation to become a Brother in the Society of Jesus. Since joining the Jesuits in 2009 he has lived in Guelph, on a Native reserve (Wikwemikong, Manitoulin Island, Ontario), Caracas (Venezuela), and Toronto, where he completed a Masters in Theological Studies (MTS) at Regis College. He joined the staff at Ignatius Jesuit Centre as a spiritual director in 2015.
Joined in 2022 dleckmansj@thejesuitpost.org
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