Ariana’s tweet-storm wonders if true love is even, like, a thing.

All posts by David Inczauskis, SJ
Born in Hinsdale, IL, David Inczauskis, SJ, is visiting faculty in Classics and Modern Languages at Xavier University. He is the author of "La Fragua: el teatro jesuita de Centroamérica," a book published in 2019 by UCA Editores about Honduras' revolutionary Jesuit theater. He likes fruit smoothies, Latin American film, and cucumber water.
Joined in 2016
37 postsOne-Minute Homily: “The Word of Christ”
So many great things have been done in the name of Christ. David Inczauskis, SJ, asks what is the word of Christ calling of us today? Based on the readings for Sunday, November 18, 2018, which you can find here:
Ariana Grande’s Sweetener: Jesus Style
Ariana song lyrics + Catholic images = Fun Friday memes
One-Minute Homily: “Great Expectations”
Some things fail to live up to our expectations. David Inczauskis, SJ, reminds us to seek perfection in God alone in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, August 26, 2018, which you can find here:
Chance the Rapper, Prophet
Chance dropped four new tracks with prophetic themes. Social justice, God, and the role of women in our faith lives.
Happy Ignatius Day!
Today is the Feast Day of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus. TJP's David Inczauskis, SJ, had the great opportunity to travel to Spain and explore some of the sites from the life of Ignatius. Take a moment to see the sites and reflect on his life....
State-Sponsored Terror in Nicaragua Strikes the Church
Danielista paramilitary agents punch a bishop and shoot at a parish.
One-Minute Homily: “John is His Name” (English/Español)
After month's of silence, Zechariah chose the name, John? David Inczauskis explores the birth of John the Baptist in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, June 24, 2018, which you can find here: ¿Después de meses de...
God’s Plan by Drake
I can’t do this on my own, ay, no, ay.