Vice President Biden’s Catholic faith has shaped his care for the poor and marginalized, but his increasingly extreme political position on the issue of abortion must be reconsidered.

All posts by Dan Finucane, SJ
Originally from St. Louis, MO, Dan entered the Society of Jesus in 2017. After completing two years of studies at Loyola University Chicago, he was missioned to Belize where he currently serves as a prison chaplain and an ESL instructor. Prior to joining the Society, Dan was a theology teacher and campus minister, as well as a missionary for a year in Zambia.
Joined in 2019
21 postsInto the Breach: Holy Boldness and Catholic Political Involvement
Catholics have no home in either major political party in the U.S., but that doesn’t mean that we should remove ourselves from politics but that we should go boldly into the breach.
I Love Jesus But Sometimes I Can’t Stand Other Christians
I admit that I struggle with this question, in large part because I struggle with the same thing. And if I am being really honest, I do sometimes lament my fellow Christians whose views and sensibilities – political, theological, and otherwise – diverge so significantly from my own.