With a national spotlight on the minimum wage, we have to ask ourselves: how much is our labor worth?

All posts by Brian Strassburger, SJ
Brian was ordained a priest in June 2021. He is currently working in the diocese of Brownsville, TX on the US-Mexico border. Brian grew up in Denver, CO, and went to Regis Jesuit High School followed by college at Saint Louis University. As a Jesuit, he studied International Development at Fordham University, which inspired two and half years working at a Jesuit nonprofit in Managua, Nicaragua. After theology studies at Boston College, Brian was ordained and sent to a new mission of his province on the border. He helps at a local parish in Brownsville, accompanies migrants on both sides of the border, and co-hosts The Jesuit Border Podcast. Brian’s extracurricular activities include cheering on Denver sports teams, growing a beard, and enjoying fellowship over beers.
Joined in 2013 bstrassburgersj@thejesuitpost.org
85 postsThe Deep Dive of Cross-Cultural Immersion
From his life abroad, Brian Strassburger, S.J. reflects on the challenges and graces of taking the deep dive into a new language and culture.
Air Conditioning: A Luxury We Can’t Afford
We need AC more than ever, but we also need to cut our energy use more than ever.
Self-Driving Cars: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
“Look, Mom- no hands!” The good, the bad, and the ugly of driverless cars.
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Buckle up! It’s time for the Best (Holy) Week Ever!
Do I Love Trump?
Do I love Trump? As we celebrate Presidents’ Day, I have spent a great deal of time thinking about our new President, and this is a question I am honestly struggling with. Do I love him? What does it mean for me to love him? Surely I am called to love him, just as I...
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Though 2016 was full of challenging news, Brian Strassburger, SJ argues that sports was a notable exception. Here he counts down the most joyful and exciting moments from the year in sports.
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¿Quieres una América grandiosa? Nuestra Señora también.
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Want to make America great? So does Our Lady.