May God unite and preserve us all

All posts by Bill McCormick, SJ
Bill, a Texan, FJV and Jesuit, is a regent at Saint Louis University, where undergraduates teach him political science and philosophy. He entered the Society in 2013, having studied politics at Chicago and Texas.
Joined in 2015
67 postsOne-Minute Homily: “Calling Out to Christ”
People tried to keep Bartimaeus from Christ but he called out anyway. We need to do the same, says Bill McCormick, SJ, in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 28, 2018, which you can find here:
3 Takeaways From The Synod
Debates Shaping the Global Church Gathering
Five Takeaways from the “Red Hat Report”
The United States is again a flashpoint for Church conflict.
The End of the Church
The world wants us to be who we say we are.
The Next Cover-up: Sex Abuse & the Bishops’ Synod
Young People are Waiting for the Church to be the Church.
The Vatican II Option: An Interview with Massimo Faggioli
“I see my job as not giving easy answers but to ask questions that raise the complexity of issues.” Massimo Faggioli speaks with TJP about the task of the theologian today.
Jurassic Park and the Problem of Ambition
Cool dinosaur fights? Yep. Moral reflection? Not so much.
“The New Colossus”
Do we still welcome the “huddled masses yearning to breathe free”?