Worry is worthless. Worship is worthy of us. Brendan Busse, SJ reflects on praise, reverence, and service.

All posts by Brendan Busse, SJ
Brendan was born and raised in southern California. His love of narrative and social justice led him to pursue degrees in English (BA) and Theology (MA) at Loyola Marymount University. Before joining the Jesuits he served as a Jesuit Volunteer in Belize and worked in Campus Ministry at LMU as the director of Community Service and Social Justice. In recent years he studied Social Philosophy (MA) at Loyola University, Chicago and taught in the Matteo Ricci College of Seattle University. He was ordained a priest in 2017.
Joined in 2012 bbussesj@thejesuitpost.org
0 postsA Concrete Hope: Francis and the Refugee Crisis
Pope Francis asks every European parish, monastery, and religious community to welcome a single refugee family into their home, notes Brendan Busse. A flood of humanity awaits the response.
Imaginary Friend Jesus
What to do when our fantasy life doesn’t match our real life? Brendan Busse, SJ wants for a love that is real.
Black Churches Matter
Black churches are burning, and Brendan Busse tells us we cannot ignore the symbolism.
Known Better: Real Presence And The Living God
In a moment of anxious self-doubt Brendan Busse, SJ finds peace in the present and the real.
To Be a Better Lover
Wherein Brendan Busse shares two questions that will, in fact, make you a better lover.
The Fault: Natural Disaster, Poverty, and Violence
Faults are rupturing all around us. Brendan Busse asks us to look at the tensions beneath the crisis.
In Prison and Porn: The Search for a Personal Life
“We all have a good script and we’re all just waiting to be discovered.” L.A. native, Brendan Busse, S.J., finds something deeply human in the City of Angels.
The After-Math: Which Lives Matter?
In light of even more troubling events in the news, Brendan Busse reflects not just on how many deaths matter but on how any lives matter.