Jesus, the Good Shepherd | One-Minute Homily

by | Apr 21, 2024 | One-Minute Homily

Jesus lays down his life for us, and he does it all with love. Rob Lorenz, SJ, reflects on how Jesus and the Father desire the same thing: to be in a relationship with us. Based on the readings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter.

Like Father, like Son, like…”sheep”?

Hi, I’m Rob and this is my one-minute reflection.

At the end of today’s Gospel about the Good Shepherd, Jesus makes two claims that might seem contradictory: First, that he lays down his life for the sheep “on his own,” and then immediately afterward says “This command I have received from my Father.”

So is he caring and sacrificing on his own initiative, or is he “following orders”? The truth is that Jesus and God the Father are always on the same page. St. Ignatius thought of their unity in a musical way: just as notes within a chord resonate in perfect harmony, Jesus and His Father resonate with one another. They both long to be in relationship with “the sheep,” with each one of us, despite our sins, weaknesses, and brokenness.

The more we allow the joy of that truth to permeate our lives this Easter season and beyond, the more we’ll begin to take on the mind and heart of God–and to share God’s vision for healing, justice, and mercy for all the members of the flock, our human family.


Rob Lorenz   /   All posts by Rob
