The Good Shepherd: Guardian of Souls | One-Minute Homily

by | Apr 30, 2023 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the one who guards us and calls us by name. Christian Verghese, SJ, reflects on this image of Jesus and the beauty of being able to bring all of our joys and concerns to the guardian of our souls. Based on the readings for Sunday, April 30, 2023.

Take a moment to close your eyes and just breathe. What joys are you feeling at this time? What is weighing down your heart?

Hi, my name is Christian Verghese and this is my one-minute reflection.

In today’s readings, Saint Paul tells us that Jesus is the guardian of our souls; He is the shepherd of our hearts.

This is an incredibly empowering and touching truth. It means at this very moment, no matter where we are or what we’re feeling, we may always bring our hearts’ cares and concerns back to him.

We may entrust our hearts and souls in the hands of the Risen Lord , who holds us and guards us amid our most vulnerable tribulations and highest joys. 

May we trust in that reality – the Good Shepherd stands with us, never parting from us, facing the world alongside us through it all, holding our hearts lovingly in the palm of his hand.



Christian Verghese   /   All posts by Christian
