Sports, Prayer, and the Importance of Practice | One-Minute Homily

by | Aug 14, 2022 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

Any sport requires practice and discipline in order to get better. Prayer is the same way! Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, gives us some encouragement for developing our prayer lives in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, August 14, 2022.

What can athletes teach us about the spiritual life?

I’m Emmanuel Arenas and this is my One-Minute Reflection.

When an athlete begins to perfect a sport, they spend time learning how to play the game, establishing healthy habits, and practicing often. At first, the sport seems complicated and difficult. But over time, they become more comfortable with the game and the body adapts to overcome the initial challenges. 

In a similar way, we can develop our spiritual life through prayer and spiritual exercises. At first, prayer may seem daunting and we may not find it easy, but do not be discouraged. Through practice, grace, and trust, we begin to feel more comfortable in prayer as we converse intimately with God. As we persevere in prayer, we will find our hearts slowly transformed.

St. Paul reminds us of the “great cloud of witnesses” that surrounds us. We have been blessed with many incredible saints in the Catholic Church. Be encouraged, for they too had to learn how to pray.


Emmanuel Arenas, SJ   /   All posts by Emmanuel
