Parable of the Talents: Use What We’re Given | One-Minute Homily

by | Nov 15, 2020 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

Do we use the gifts that we have been given or hide them away? Jason Quino McCreery, SJ, reflects on the Parable of the Talents in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, November 15, 2020.

Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder, but goodness is in the eye of the giver.

Hi, I’m Jason Quino McCreery, and this is my One-Minute Reflection.

We have an unexpected parable today, where a servant who played it safe with his master’s money is thrown out into the darkness. But I’m always struck by the second servant, who was given two talents, only one more than the wicked servant, and made two more talents. Because the Master is just as happy with him as the one who made five more talents.

God doesn’t judge us by how much we have, but by what we do with what we have.

Take the proverbial ‘worthy wife.’ Her value is not in her beauty nor even how much she loves her husband. Her value is in what she does with her hands: she provides food and clothing and reaches out to the poor and needy. Her goodness is not about ‘how much’ she has, nor about how others might judge her. Her goodness is in taking what she has, even if it seems like very little, and being generous to those around her.
