The angels and shepherds spread the joy of the birth of Jesus. Now, we must do the same. Merry Christmas!

All posts by Tim Breen, SJ
Tim is from the Los Angeles area, but is now on the other coast studying theology at Boston College. He has spent much of his Jesuit life working in athletics, including most recently coaching soccer at Creighton University, and he currently serves as chaplain for the Boston College baseball team. He is still waiting for whatever stage of Jesuit formation where they give out lightsabers.
Joined in 2021
8 posts1st Sunday of Advent: Waiting is not a Waste | One-Minute Homily
Advent is here! This is a season of waiting but sometimes waiting feels like a waste of time. Deacon Tim Breen, SJ, reflects on how we can grow as we wait.
The Powerful Prayer of “Thank You” | One-Minute Homily
A simple, “Thank you,” can be a powerful prayer. Deacon Tim Breene, SJ, reflects on the importance of gratitude.
Training Our Eyes: The Rich Man and Lazarus | One-Minute Homily
Do we recognize the needs of those around us? Sometimes we can be blind to those right in front of us. Deacon Tim Breen, SJ, reflects on the need for us to train our eyes in this week's One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, September 25, 2022....
Advice from Jesus: Be Humble, Sit Down | One-Minute Homily
Be humble, sit down. The words of Kendrick Lamar serve as a great summary of Jesus’ parable in today’s Gospel. Tim Breen, SJ, reflects on the importance of seeing the bigger picture and focusing less on ourselves.
Knock and the Door Will Be Opened | One-Minute Homily
When Jesus teaches his disciples (and us) how to pray, he tells them to be persistent in prayer. Deacon Tim Breen, SJ, reflects on the transformative power of persistent prayer and our relationship with God.
See you down the road: Nomadland, Easter, and Finding a way through Grief
Oscar nominee “Nomadland” uses van-dwellers to give us an honest view of what it’s like to carry around grief and loss. It also provides a good reminder in this Easter season that grief and loss are not the end of the story.
Wrestling with questions of vocation? Watch the movie “Soul”
The newest pixar movie, Soul, raises the question about each person’s purpose. It deals especially with the question many of us ask ourselves, “what if I choose the wrong thing?”