Peter tiene 29 años de edad. Es catequista, está a cargo de casi treinta muchachas y muchachos, y cursa el último año de preparatoria. Vive en el Campamento de Refugiados en Kakuma. Esta es parte de su historia.

All posts by Pau Vidal, SJ
Pau, was born and raised in Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain). Maybe that is why he is a great fan of Barcelona soccer team. After obtaining a bachelor degree in architecture, he worked in Liberia (West Africa) for 2 years with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS). He then did his theology in Barcelona and Berkeley. After completing his studies he was ordained in June 2012.
Joined in 2013
0 postsFollowing the Light: Education in the Kakuma Refugee Camp
Peter is twenty nine years old. He is a catechist, a father-figure to nearly thirty others, and a high school senior. He lives in the Kakuma Refugee Camp. This is part of his story.
Interpreting the Papal Resignation
As Benedict resigns today, Pau Vidal, SJ – a priest who lives and works in one of the largest refugee camps in the world – has seen a clue in the models of faith the Pope provided on Ash Wednesday.