Fr. Jim Schall, SJ – prodigious author, teacher of thousands, devotee of the classics – recently retired from Georgetown University. Former student Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ introduces his Last Lecture.

All posts by Kevin O'Brien, SJ
Before joining the Jesuits in 1996, Fr. O'Brien practiced law and taught high school in south Florida where he grew up. As a Jesuit he has worked and lived in India, Mexico, and Bolivia, and served as a chaplain in an immigration detention center on the Arizona-Mexico border. He was ordained a priest in 2006.
Joined in 2012 @kevinobriensj
0 postsThe Exercises: The 4th Week, or “Now That We’ve Found Love (What Are We Gonna Do With It?)”
We cap off a week of spiritual exercise with Kevin O’Brien’s interpretation of the summit of the Exercises.
The Exercises: The 2nd & 3rd Weeks, or Getting to Know Jesus
The passionate energy of working together. The confusion and sorrow of seeing a friend suffer. Kevin O’Brien shows us that both are essential parts of the following of Christ in the 2nd and 3rd weeks of Exercises.
The Exercises: The 1st Week, or “Mistakes Were Made”
Sin. There’s that word again. And our third excerpt from Kevin O’Brien puts it at center stage. These 1st week meditations take us into the depths of our own sinfulness, but only as it shows up in the light of God’s unending love for us.
The Exercises: Getting Ready
In this second excerpt, Kevin O’Brien helps us prepare our hearts for the work to come. It’s spiritual freedom, “an interior freedom, a freedom of the mind and heart,” that God calls us to today.
The Exercises: The Ignatian Adventure
It’s slowly been dawning on us here at The Jesuit Post how much we’ve been using the phrase “Spiritual Exercises” without explaining what these exercises are… luckily, Kevin O’Brien’s book can rectify our mistake.