Where were the Jesuits at the National Eucharistic Congress? John Stein, SJ explains that while the Jesuit presence may have seemed thin, the Jesuit contribution and charism was indeed present at the Congress—it was simply hidden.

All posts by John Stein, SJ
John Stein, S.J., teaches theology and Latin at Saint Ignatius High School in Cleveland, Ohio.
Joined in 2020 jsteinsj@thejesuitpost.org
4 postsWhat does it mean to truly listen? Ross Douthat, two French saints, and the Ignatian Presupposition
It can be incredibly distressing not to be believed. In our latest Jesuit 101 reflection, John encourages us to listen even to those whom everyone else doubts.
Would Jesus have used Do Not Disturb mode?
Smartphone notifications often make us feel like marionettes, like we’re attached to a thousand strings pulling us all at once. New technology promises to make our lives distraction-free. But what would Jesus let distract him?
What Would Fr. Matt Do? Remembering Fr. Matt Gamber, S.J.
I first met Fr. Matt when I was two years old. I don’t remember much from those early days, but I do recall that on quiet Saturday afternoons in the late 1990s, when he was teaching at Xavier University and I was in primary school, Fr. Matt often stopped by our house just to say hello.Fr. Matt was part of the family. When the people you love pass away, how do they remain in your life? Today on All Souls Day, read how my friend, Fr. Matt, has remained and will continue to remain in my life after his recent passing.