In these difficult times, we need action, and we need prayer. Let us join our prayers together to help guide our action.

All posts by The Jesuit Post
The Jesuit Post features the contributions of young Jesuits from around the country. To see a full list of the TJP contributors click here.
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135 postsOn the Abuse Crisis
From the editors of The Jesuit Post.
TJP Interview with Nicole Perone
What happened at the Pre-Synod for the Youth?
Help Save Felix Garcia From Deportation
Join the movement to keep the Garcia family from being torn apart.
Jesuit Life Hack: Making the Summer Last
How can you squeeze the last bit of fun out of the summer? Our Pop Culture Team offers a few Jesuit Life-Hacks to help!
TJP Video: Father 2 Father
Watch what some newly ordained Jesuit ‘Fathers’ had to say to their ‘Fathers’ on Father’s Day 2017.
TJP Video: Jesuit Mother’s Day 2017
Jesuits wish a Happy Mother’s Day to their Mothers around the country and the globe. AMDG!
March Madness and Family
Gonzaga star Nigel Williams-Goss explains what makes life at a Jesuit university family
#Examen: Clicking, Liking, and Posting for the Greater Glory
Feeling squeamish after reading tweets or facebook comments? Ken Homan, SJ and Colten Biro, SJ offer a new version of an old prayer to help.