With movies and the theater experience vastly declining amid a global pandemic, Dan Dixon SJ considers whether the Oscars still matter to us.

All posts by Dan Dixon, SJ
Dan is a Jesuit currently studying private school leadership at Teacher's College in New York. Before entering the Jesuits, he was a middle school social studies and religion teacher in Goodyear, Arizona through Notre Dame's Alliance for Catholic Education program. Raised in the suburban Detroit area, Dan enthusiastically displays his affection for all things Detroit, particularly its sports teams. His favorite conversation topics include the works of David Foster Wallace, Stanley Kubrick movies, sabermetrics (advanced baseball statistics), and Detroit-style pizza.
Joined in 2015 ddixonsj@thejesuitpost.org
13 postsAre the Irish For Real this Time?
The odds are against Notre Dame this Saturday, so why bother watching?
On Commencement Protests
On the heels of the “Pence walkout,” Notre Dame grad Dan Dixon, SJ wonders when commencements stopped being about celebrating graduates.
Should we care what Meryl Streep has to say?
As Meryl Streep’s Golden Globe speech goes viral, should we care what an entertainer has to say about politics? Dan Dixon says yes, but for reasons you might not think.
Telling the Story of Racial Injustice
Dan Dixon, SJ explores the importance of story in Ava Duvernay’s new Netflix documentary “13TH.”
On Women Deacons
Pope Francis called a commission to explore the possibility of ordaining women as deacons. We ask Luke Hansen, SJ to help explain to us the key issues at stake.
Education in America: What We Agree to Ignore
Dan Dixon, SJ argues that the new (and much lauded) Every Student Succeeds Act misses the point: that racial and socioeconomic segregation is the main cause of the achievement gap.
Why Do We Still Love Bond Films?
Dan Dixon, S.J. wonders what it is about the Bond franchise that sustains fandom for over 50 years.
“Be Courageous!” – Valerie and the Pope
Pope Francis says volumes in two words, but it’s a teenage girl’s courage that awes Dan Dixon, SJ.