Chris Schroeder, SJ asks, What do our prisons say about us, who claim to be a people of redemption? The answer may surprise you.

All posts by Chris Schroeder, SJ
Chris hails from St. Louis, a setting which instilled in him a quasi-religious love of baseball and a truly-religious love of God and Catholicism. Places he has been proud to call home during his Jesuit career include Belize, El Salvador, and Denver. He was ordained a priest in 2014.
Joined in 2012
22 postsOur Society’s Throw-Away People
Our society does not encourage us to see the normalcy of those in prison, but Chris Schroeder, SJ shows how they are just like you and me.
Inaccurate Answers to Your Unanswered Force Awakens Questions
Now that you’ve seen the new Star Wars, Chris Schroeder answers all of your Force Awakens questions. Well, he gives answers. They may not be entirely accurate. At least they’re entertaining!
Li’l Sebastian and Devotion
What on earth do religious devotion and a mini-horse from Parks & Rec have in common? More than you would expect, says Chris Schroeder.
Are you ready for [the possible consequences of] some football?
In light of the deaths of several high school football players and after his own experience with a concussion, Chris Schroeder looks again at a sport he had always loved.
The Dark Knight Teaches
Chris Schroeder gets a little help from Batman while studying for comps and shows that we can find moral lessons in unlikely places.
Catholics should be more obedient (and bishops less bossy)
Chris Schroeder explores what true obedience–and true leadership–looks like.
Confessions of a Skinny Glutton: 5 lessons I have learned
Though he has eaten whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, for most of his life, self-proclaimed “skinny glutton” Chris Schroeder explains some lessons he has learned about eating, drinking, and the enjoyment of life.
The Corporate Man, Part 2
Chris Schroeder follows up on his earlier essay with an interview with Mike Merrill of KMikeyM–the man who sells shares of stock in…himself.