Sister Norma Pimentel on being “who God is forming you to become.”

All posts by Bill McCormick, SJ
Bill, a Texan, FJV and Jesuit, is a regent at Saint Louis University, where undergraduates teach him political science and philosophy. He entered the Society in 2013, having studied politics at Chicago and Texas.
Joined in 2015
67 postsThe Last Debate
19 days to go, and where are we?
Trump’s America
Can you vote for your candidate’s flaws? Bill McCormick, SJ explores.
What does the latest Twitter spat say about tensions between Baby Boomers and Millennials? Bill McCormick, SJ weighs in.
A Saint for the Broken
What kind of saint is still seeking God?
Politics and God, Part II: Catholic and Democrat?
Bill McCormick, SJ asks, is the Catholic Church and Democratic party moving back together, or continuing to part ways?
Politics and God, Part I: Catholic and Republican?
In this season of national conventions, Bill McCormick, SJ asks us to consider our religious and political affiliations. How can one be both a “good Catholic” and a good member of one’s political party?
Frederick Douglass & Rethinking the Fourth
Frederick Douglass gave his famous Fourth of July speech a day late, on July 5, 1852. The majesty of his oratory matched the solemnity of the occasion: It is the birthday of your National Independence, and of your political freedom. This, to you, is what the Passover...
Prayer During Tragedy
Is it wrong to pray when tragedy strikes? Bill McCormick, SJ responds.