God’s plans can surprise us and even seem inconsistent at times. Brendan Gottschall, SJ, reflects on the joy that can come with God’s unexpected plans.

All posts by Brendan Gottschall, SJ
Brendan Gottschall, SJ, is a scholastic of the East Coast province of the Society of Jesus. He currently resides in Boston and studies theology at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. His passions include Irish culture, orthodoxy, and explaining how South Jersey is distinct from North Jersey.
Joined in 2016 bgottschallsj@thejesuitpost.org
31 postsJesus Christ: King of the Universe | One-Minute Homily
Jesus Christ is King of the Universe, which means…everything! Brendan Gottschall, SJ, reflects on today’s Solemnity and what it means to call Jesus the King of the Universe.
Our Faith Journey is Not a Solo Endeavor | One-Minute Homily
Our faith life is not something that we do alone. Brendan Gottschall, SJ, reminds us of the importance of relying on God and allowing others to hold us up.
Who Do We Serve? God or Mammon? | One-Minute Homily
God or Mammon? The choice might seem simple, but our actions might show that we don’t always put God and others first. Brendan Gottschall, SJ, reflects on the pitfalls of chasing after money and how we might refocus ourselves on God.
The Narrow Gate: Staying Focused on God | One-Minute Homily
How many will be saved? While some focus on questions about who goes to Heaven or Hell, Jesus reminds us to focus on our relationship with God. Brendan Gottshall, SJ, reflects in this week’s One-Minute Homily.
Responding to the Presence of God | One-Minute Homily
How do we respond when people just “pop in” and interrupt our lives? Brendan Gottschall, SJ, reflects on the hospitality of Abraham and how we might respond to every person as we would to God.
Pope Francis and the Inclusive Capitalists: Making Friends with Dishonest Wealth?
Pope Francis is throwing his moral weight behind the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, a group of CEOs and business leaders, but it’s not clear they agree on everything.
Poverty in Film: Hillbilly Elegy vs. Parasite
Netflix drama “Hillbilly Elegy” has received criticism for its portrayal of rural poverty in the US, while the Korean poverty-themed film, “Parasite,” won the Academy Award for Best Picture. What’s the difference between the two?
An Overview of Fratelli Tutti
On Sunday, Pope Francis released the third encyclical of his papacy entitled “Fratelli Tutti,” on fraternity and social friendship. An encyclical is one of the highest ranking documents from a Pope. In this lengthy letter, he offers critiques of populism, neoliberalism, and militarized borders. He restates a rejection of the death penalty. He calls on all people to recognize and live out our common fraternity. Read this article for a complete overview.