What makes a Jesuit education Jesuit? Brendan Busse, SJ thinks it might have something to do with conversion.

All posts by Brendan Busse, SJ
Brendan was born and raised in southern California. His love of narrative and social justice led him to pursue degrees in English (BA) and Theology (MA) at Loyola Marymount University. Before joining the Jesuits he served as a Jesuit Volunteer in Belize and worked in Campus Ministry at LMU as the director of Community Service and Social Justice. In recent years he studied Social Philosophy (MA) at Loyola University, Chicago and taught in the Matteo Ricci College of Seattle University. He was ordained a priest in 2017.
Joined in 2012 bbussesj@thejesuitpost.org
0 postsWhat Happens Next Will Totally Amaze You
Brendan Busse, SJ reflects on graduation and transformation. What happens next…well, you know the drill.
Strength in Broken Places: What Can An Old Man Do?
This week is different. This week is holy because we witness again the fidelity of a God in love, a God who remains with us in suffering.
Worth Watching: A Real Sister Act
Whoopi Goldberg, eat your heart out. This real live Sister Act is capturing the hearts of the world.
True Detective & True Religion: Delusion, Faith and Redemption
Brendan Busse reviews True Detective, HBO’s acclaimed new crime drama, and finds much to offer the religious viewer.
Homeboys and Whiteboys: Race Around the Playground
An awkward middle-school memory leads Brendan Busse, SJ to reflect on race, privilege, and the power dynamics of the foursquare court.
Periodo de pruebas: el Desequilibrado y el Jesuita
Originalmente en inglés, traducido por Manuel Carrasco García-Moreno Detesto probarme ropa. Estoy seguro de que las cámaras de todo el país me han grabado dando vueltas antes de dar vueltas por las tiendas de ropa en un estado de indecisión nerviosa. Creo que tengo...
Trying Times: The Misfit and The Jesuit
“When trying something new we need courage, we need patience, and we need support.” Brendan Busse, SJ examines the vulnerability in the changing room and the risk in relationship.
Bags Without People: Making Sense of a Personal Life
During his holiday travels Brendan Busse, SJ is surprised by the wisdom of public safety catch-phrases that remind him of old friends and the importance of a truly personal life.